Bronx Housing Resources

UNHP produces a number of publications including affordable housing research reports on issues affecting the Northwest Bronx, our Annual Reports, a discontinued print newsletter, Notes, and an email newsletter and blog called Views from the NWBronx. In addition, we have been featured in a number of articles in a variety of publications including local newspapers and national magazines. If you are interested receiving our newsletter via email, please join our mailing list at the bottom of the page. Happy reading!

The UNHP Bronx Housing Resource includes resources for staying in your Bronx apartment and resources to help you find a new affordable rental unit. University Neighborhood Housing Program (UNHP) receives daily calls and lots of questions at outreach events about how to get a new affordable housing rental. With homelessness at record highs in NYC, finding decent affordable housing is very difficult. It is important that low-income families and individuals seek to stabilize their current living conditions, and try to make their current apartment more affordable before or while they are seeking another apartment. This Bronx Housing Resource provides information for community groups and Bronx tenants on both online and in- person places for rental housing assistance.

The ​NYC Tenant Support Unit assists tenants in the Bronx with housing related issues such as harassment, lack of essential services, housing court, assistance with rent subsidies and back rent payments. NYC TSU is at the Northwest Bronx Resource Center on Thursdays. Call us at (718)933-2539 to make an appointment. You can view the site listing for other Bronx locations here.

Thank you to Citi for supporting our work to bring financial resources to northwest Bronx residents.