Northwest Bronx Resource Center

Sign up online today for any and all of our free events and programs // Regístrese en línea para unos o todos de nuestros programas actuales.

We can:

Answer your financial and housing questions via our monthly webinar – Ask UNHP

Offer info on the affordable housing lotteries (NYC Housing Connect)

Schedule your in-person session with a Financial Counselor

Connect you with a Tenant Support Specialist

Refer homeowners with support from Legal Aid

Direct you to Free Tax Prep Options (please don’t stop by Refuge House)

Nosotros podemos:

Contestar su pregunta financiera y de vivienda durante nuestro seminario web mensual – Pregúntale a UNHP

Informarle sobre el proceso de aplicar para vivienda asequible (NYC Housing Connect)

Agendar su cita en person con una consejería financiera

Conectarle con el especialista de vivienda NYC Tenant Support

Referir propietarios con ayuda e información de abogados Legal Aid

Dirigirl@ a la guía para la temporada de impuestos

The NWBRC provides the following help with the listed partners. 

The Northwest Bronx Resource Center is a collaborative effort with six established nonprofits to provide a range of free financial and affordable housing services.

Call us at (718) 933-2539 to make an appointment for:

Financial Education Workshops and 1:1 Coaching

NYC Rent Freeze (SCRIE/DRIE) Application Assistance for Seniors and people with disabilities

Eviction Prevention and Tenants Rights Information

Reduced Fare MetroCard for Seniors (65+) and people with disabilities

Referrals to Benefits Screening and legal services for Bronx Homeowners

No Walk-ins. All services are provided by trained professionals and by appointment only.

Our Partners at the Northwest Bronx Resource Center

Ariva is a leader in free tax preparation services in New York City, and works to empower low-wealth New Yorkers with effective tools and resources so they can make informed financial choices and achieve economic stability. UNHP partners with Ariva for their Ready to Rent Financial Counseling program and offers the service once weekly at the Northwest Bronx Resource Center and at special events. Ariva is an IRS VITA leader for the Free Tax Preparation program. Please visit their website to learn more about the neighborhood sites where you can access this service.

Fordham Bedford Community Services (FBCS) runs and manages programs for children and neighborhood residents at Refuge House. FBCS offers an after-school program, a youth summer camp, programs and access to a fully equipped computer lab, immigration services, and a daycare provider network. FBCS provides staff and space to UNHP’s tax program and UNHP is proud to share Refuge House with FBCS and expand the services available to neighborhood residents.

The NYC Tenant Support Unit is the Center’s newest partner. Created by Mayor DiBlasio to provide assistance to tenants at risk of harassment or displacement, the Unit provides assistance and referrals to tenants facing eviction, landlord harassment, poor housing conditions and seeking affordable housing. In addition to legal referrals, TSU helps tenants by connecting them to other vital City services, such as HomeBase and HRA Job Centers.

The Lower East Side People’s Federal Credit Union (LESPFCU) is one of the members of the Bronx Financial Access Coalition (BxFAC) along with UNHP. The credit union offers free checking accounts, credit builder loans, low-cost auto loans, and accounts for members with ITINs who may have trouble opening accounts at a traditional bank. For now, these services will be offered in Bronx neighborhoods through their mobile branch van which launched in April 2022. A future permanent branch in the Bronx will be the Lower East Side People’s Federal Credit Union’s fourth location, following branches in the Lower East Side, East Harlem and Staten Island’s North Shore.

Featured referral partners:

Legal Aid Society works with UNHP by providing a trained legal expert at special events and by direct referral who can work with homeowners and assist them to address their mortgage, lien and foreclosure issues, and remain in their homes. Assistance with STAR program enrollment is also available to senior and low-income homeowners to reduce property taxes.

Part of the Solution (POTS) started out as a soup kitchen and now offers a “single stop” to people in need, offering a wide range of assistance from meals to social services. POTS provides SNAP and healthcare insurance services to UNHP via a TEN tracker system. UNHP refers clients through this system and POTS follows up with an appointment. POTS is within walking distance from the Northwest Bronx Resource Center and has been a community partner with UNHP for many years. POTS provides on-site access to SNAP and food pantry enrollment at UNHP Resource Fairs and during the tax season.

“Community work is a team effort.” – Jim Buckley, UNHP Executive Director.

UNHP Free Tax Prep Program is Canceled

Unfortunately, due to space, capacity, and other IRS VITA limitations, UNHP no longer provides tax assistance. UNHP encourages you to start preparing for the income tax season and to call 311 to find another NYC free tax prep site as soon as possible. Special UNHP webinars and newsletters regarding other resources for Bronx tax assistance can be found on our calendar and our publications page under newsletters.  UNHP can also help schedule an appointment with a Financial Coach for free if you need assistance with forms for certain tax credits. Our tax partner, Ariva, continues to provide free tax prep filing at various sites, including the Bronx Library Center, POTS, and 45 West Tremont. You can directly request an appointment on their website or by calling 718-292-2983.

El Servicio Gratuito de Presentación de Impuestos se ha Suspendido

UNHP va a ofrecer seminarios por internet para ayudarles a prepararse para esta temporada de impuestos.  UNHP también puede ayudarle a programar una cita con una asesora financiera de forma gratuita si necesita ayuda con los formularios or los créditos fiscales. Nuestro socio de impuestos, Ariva, continúa brindando preparación de impuestos gratuita en varios sitios, incluido el Bronx Library Center, POTS y 45 West Tremont. Puede solicitar una cita directamente en su sitio web o llamando al 718-292-2983.



  1. UNHP launched the Northwest Bronx Resource Center at a ribbon cutting ceremony in July 2012, and since then has provided nearly 20,000 individual services to borough residents.
  2. The Center provides a range of financial and affordable housing programs and partners with several experienced non-profits to bring services to the Northwest Bronx.
  3. Sign up online today for any and all of our free events and programs (link on the right for financial coaching, homeowner assistance, eviction prevention, and Rent Freeze enrollment).

“I was very pleased not only to find the services of UNHP… [but also] to attend the financial education classes and now our finances are more organized and we are saving regularly.”

— Esbelin Guzman and Julio Almonte, Bronx Residents