May 19, 2014

FINAL REMINDER: Last Chance to Comment on Water Rates


From UNHP Executive Director, Jim Buckley:

​While this won’t be my last note on water rates, this will be my last note reminding to comment on the currently proposed water rates increase. Comments should be directed to Kevin Kunkle,

I went in person to deliver UNHP’s testimony last week. While acknowledging that 3.35% was the lowest proposed increase in the past 9 years, we reminded them that rates have doubled in the past nine years; we also reminded them that $666, DEP’s average per apartment charge for metered water use in apartment buildings, is well below the number we are seeing in our multi-family buildings in the Bronx. The water use in 1, 2 and 3 Bedroom units in our affordable housing projects regularly exceeds their average, with many of our buildings using the Multi-Family Conservation Program (MCP), which will provide a cap of $976 per apartment per year.

We urged DEP to reduce the Multi-Family Conservation (MCP) Program cap (which will be $976 per apartment per year with the new increase). While individualized emails would be best, the paragraph below could be pasted into a comment.

“While the 3.35% water and sewer increase proposal is the lowest in the past 9 years, the cost of water has more than doubled in those 9 years.  While DEP says the average per apartment metered charge in an apartment building will be $666 with the new increase, our buildings are paying well in excess of that number already.   It’s time to develop an equitable rate setting structure.  We urge you to reject any rate increase this year and begin the process of creating a fair formula for water charges.”




We still urge people to send something to their City Council rep and the Mayor. The links for their websites are below.

Link to the Water Board proposals. Email your comments to You can also reserve a time to speak by calling Kevin Kunkle at 718-595-3601. You can comment on the Mayor’s website here, and on the City Council site here.

There are two hearings left:

Staten Island – May 19, Joan and Alan Bernikow JCC 1466 Manor Road, 7:30 pm


Queens – May 20, Bayswater Jewish Center 2355 Healy Avenue, Far Rockaway, 7:00 pm