As part of UNHP’s This is What We Do series, The Northwest Bronx Resource Center held two webinars for NWBRC Program Users and Bronx residents. The presentation slides are available here for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, Advanced Childcare tax credit, and Excluded Workers Program as well as information about UNHP services. Spanish slides are also available on this guide page. Click here for a summary of the Webinar. As new programs become available for those struggling financially from the pandemic, UNHP felt it was urgent to share that information with Bronx residents and those who use the financial and housing programs at the Northwest Bronx Resource Center. The Bronx was hit hard and early by Covid and while the health news has improved, the economic consequences for Bronx residents, already impacted by long-standing inequities around wages, housing, and healthcare, are significant. In addition to sharing information by text, email newsletter, and through tenant flyers in UNHP properties, UNHP offered a Spanish and English Webinar about the new Covid Relief programs with a focus on the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), The Advanced Child Tax Credit and the Excluded Workers program. The Webinars were attended by over 50 participants and offered a live Q & A session. Led by Jumelia Abrahamson, UNHP’s Director of Programs, NWBRC bilingual staff were also available during the webinar to provide follow-up in the chat and answer questions. The presentation slides are available here for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, Advanced Childcare tax credit, and Excluded Workers Program as well as information about UNHP services. Spanish slides are available.
August 26, 2021
Covid Relief Program NWBRC Webinar Slides
As part of UNHP’s This is What We Do series, The Northwest Bronx Resource Center held two webinars for NWBRC Program Users and Bronx residents. The presentation slides are available here for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, Advanced Childcare tax credit, and Excluded Workers Program as well as information about UNHP services. Spanish slides are available on the Guide page.