Building Partnerships and Working with Our Norwood Neighbors – Norwood Resource Fair
The Norwood Community Resource Fair co-sponsored by UNHP and the Legal Aid Society provided a variety of free housing, immigration, legal and health services to the Norwood community. Norwood is a diverse vibrant community in the northwest Bronx located at the end of the D train line.

A highlight of the Norwood Resource Fair was the collaboration with local community partners to benefit neighborhood residents. New partners, Montefiore WIC Program, Laal, Norwood News, New York Public Library Mosholu Branch, Human Rights Commission and New York Psychotherapy and Counseling Center joined our long-time partners, Legal Aid, Bronx Community Health Network, NYC Tenant Support Unit, Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS) West Bronx Housing and Resource Center, Ridgewood Savings Bank, Part of the Solution (POTS) and NWBCCC Weatherization Program to offer a wide range of legal, health, housing, financial and service assistance.
The Resource Fair was held on October 17th at Holy Nativity Church on Bainbridge Avenue. 76 attendees had the opportunity to enroll in NYC Department of Housing Preservation & Development (HPD) Housing Connect, learn about community health programs at Montefiore Medical Center, NY Psychotherapy and Counseling Center (NYPCC) & Bronx Community Health Network – BCHN, chat with the editor of the Norwood News, get legal advice about immigration, foreclosure, and eviction from the Legal Aid Society, enroll in SNAP or food pantry with Part of the Solution, Inc.,learn about NYC programs for NYC homebuyers with NHS, and meet with representatives from NYC Human Rights Commission, Ridgewood Savings Bank. Laal, Northwest Bronx Community & Clergy Coalition, NYPL The New York Public Library, West Bronx Housing, and NYC Human Resources Administration Tenant Support Unit.

The 76 attendees had the opportunity to meet 1:1 with counselors, advisors, lawyers and community service experts. UNHP enrolled interested attendees into the NYC affordable housing lottery and the NYC Rent Freeze. Attendees were able to get on-the-spot services as well as follow-up appointments with the service providers.
The event provided on-the-spot free services to the community and offered UNHP an opportunity to forge new partnerships and serve new neighbors. UNHP strives to serve the northwest Bronx, Community boards, 5,6 and 7. Norwood is located in Community Board 7 and is home to long-time Bronxites and new immigrant groups from Bangladesh, Africa, Dominican Republic and other Spanish -speaking countries. UNHP offers all its services in both English and Spanish. We were able to forge a new partnership, thanks to a recent article in the Norwood News, with Laal, a community organization dedicated to providing resources and economic opportunities based on the needs of Bangladeshi women in the Bronx. UNHP also connected with the vestry at Holy Nativity Church, our event host and reconnected with St. Brendan’s/St. Anne’s parish for additional community outreach. The Norwood News printed an Op-Ed from UNHP to advertise the event. David Cruz, the Norwood news editor, and a Norwood News intern attended the event to get feedback from the community on the paper.

The Norwood Resource Fair was held at Holy Nativity Church on Bainbridge Avenue in the heart of this busy neighborhood.
Thanks to all the partner groups – special thanks to Sanjana from LAAL, David Cruz from the Norwood News, Keith and the vestry from Holy Nativity Church, and Oda long-time Norwood homeowner and Legal Aid senior attorney – we look forward to taking the D train to the last stop to be with you again in the Spring!

A special thanks to UNHP’s staff, interns and volunteers for putting in the extra effort to make this fair a success.