April 11, 2018

Lehman Student, Mom, UNHP Intern, NYC Rent Freeze Recipient – Claudette Does it All!


Claudette is a Bronx Renaissance woman – Lehman College student, aspiring social worker, President of the Lehman Adult Degree Program Student Association, mother of six children, and an Intake Specialist and Housing Connect intern for UNHP.

There was a time when Claudette would have been unable to be so active. While working as a mechanic, Claudette was crushed by a car when the repair lift failed. Claudette was in a body cast for six months and for a long time was physically unable to live a normal life. The loss of her job and her physical restrictions brought Claudette to a depressed state. Claudette credits the All Boro Adult Daycare Center in the Bronx with helping her “get out of my shell. They encouraged me to keep active and enroll in Lehman College.”

Claudette worked as an intern and volunteer for UNHP. She assisted attendees at our Bronxtober Fest obtain their credit reports and during tax season she enrolled filers into the NYC affordable housing lottery known as Housing Connect. Pictured above, Claudette and other volunteers take a lunch break during a busy free tax preparation day and on right Claudette assists multiple tax filers fill out their IRS intake forms.

At 58, Claudette is indeed active. She hopes to be a social worker who works with the elderly. In addition to her studies at Lehman, she is active in student government and helped to create a food pantry for students at the College. Claudette assisted UNHP during our busy Free Tax Prep Program by assisting tax filers through the intake process and enrolling Bronx residents in the NYC online affordable housing lottery.

Raniel Perez, UNHP’s Financial Assistant and NWBRC Program Manager assisted Claudette apply for the NYC Rent Freeze. UNHP helps seniors and people with disabilities file for SCRIE or DRIE.

Thanks to UNHP’s help, Claudette received a NYC Rent Freeze for the apartment that she shares with her handicapped adult child. UNHP can assist seniors 62 and over or people with disabilities freeze their rent through the Department of Finance SCRIE and DRIE programs. If you are 62 or older, or disabled, live in a rent-stabilized apartment and earn less than $50,000 – give UNHP a call (718)933-2539. UNHP can screen you for the program and help you enroll or renew your NYC Rent Freeze.