May 23, 2014

Water Board today Approved a 3.35% Water and Sewer Rate Increase


From UNHP Executive Director, Jim Buckley:

As expected, the New York City Water Board approved a 3.35% water and sewer rate increase to take effect on July 1, 2014. The Board was approved unanimously.

This is the lowest increase in 9 years and I'm hoping that we can keep the discussion going in the coming months with DEP and City Hall to build on some of the progress that was made in the first few months of the new administration. I know a number of you weighed in on this with written testimony. 

What progress was made:

a) The rate increase was lower than projected in part through a rebate of some of the Water Board's rental payment made to the City of New York; the Water Finance Authority in January was anticipating a 7.8% increase;

b) The city is moving forward with a toilet rebate program for buildings in the Multifamily Conservation Program

c) Based on HEAP eligibility, HRA will coordinate with DEP to offer eligible homeowners assistance through a newly established Homeowners Assistance Program.

Talking to several people involved with the process on the City side, there was clearly an attempt to address some of the affordability concerns that were raised. We are planning to follow this up.

We will keep you apprised as we go forward.